Things have been very interesting lately. God has been working on so many areas in my life is seems. There have been topics I've been wrestling with and others that have encouraged my heart and, I pray, God is using them to make me more like Himself. I really do want to Glorify Him and become more like Him. I want my thinking to be less worldly and more and more gain the mind of Christ. Yet, worldly thinking is constantly being engrained in my head. We all get it through various facets of our everyday life ~ home, work (if we work outside the home), church,....everywhere. I am convinced that only Scripture, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, can truly aid us in obtaining the mind of Christ. God can use other ways such as literature and people, but all we are challenged with must be sifted through the Word of God.
Our minds NEED to be renewed and changed if we wnat them to be Christ-like and if we want our lives to honor and glorify the LORD. I am rminded of this as I've meditated on Romans 12:1-2~
"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable, and perfect."
I heard a neat missionary speak this Sunday, and she used Psalm 37:3-7a to teach us how we can TRUST God. Each letter was one of the 5 commands in this passage. The accrostic was the follwoing and follow a specific order:
T=Take the gift of Salvation, R= Rejoice in the LORD, U= Unleash your life to God, S= Sacrificially submit to God and Serve others, T= Total Responsibility is God's
I really liked this because we are called to obey what God says (present ourselves to Him, know Him and desire Him, submit to Him, love others, ...) and what happens is TOTALLY in His hands. He is Soverignly in control over ALL.
This is some of what I am learning. This is what He wants me to learn and apply to my life.
Baby News:
I am currently 19 weeks 4 days pregnant and all is seemingly well. Iam feeling Ethan's movements more each day and Andy and Arianaboth have felt him also. I must say this pregnancy is more real to menow and I am starting to get excited about the prospect of a new babyin our home. Please continue to pray that all will go well. I have anotherultrasound today and will continue to have weekly u/s until I am 24weeks. Horray!!! We are about half way there!!!!!