Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Peace and Joy Divine

I really love to study theology. I believe that good doctrine is an essential part of living a life that glorifies God. So while I love to read about applying God's truths to my live, I also enjoy reading books that discuss pillers of faith. I am currently reading Desiring God by John Piper. I have desired to read this book and was able to purchase it at a discount Christian book store for a few dollars while on vacation. I am only at the beginning, but I think it's neat how the Lord convicts us on truths in His Word through His word and then uses other believers, whether by word or print, to encourage us on these truths. Such has God been doing in my life in the area of His Sovereignty.
This year has felt like such a long year for me. I experienced sorrow in my life earlier this year that left me wondering whether I really believed God was in complete control or whether it was mere chance that this happened. I questioned "Why?" and for what purpose had this happened. The same sorrow repeated itself 5 and a half months later and through God's word and other avenues, when I faced this sorrow again, I experienced a peace and joy that I can only explain was God at work in me. I do beleve that part of it was due in part for the lessons He has taught me in the area of His sovereignty. Today as I was reading John Piper, I was greatly encouraged by his definition of God's soverignty. He states, "'Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases'(Psalm 115:3). The implication of this text is that God has the right and power to do whatever makes Him happy. That is what it means to say that God is sovereign." (Desiring God page 32)
God works everything in our lives for His purpose and for His pleasure and ultimately for His glory. That alone can be what gives us joy and peace even in the midst of challenging situations. I know that my life will continue to contain aspects which will be sorrowing and troublesome. I know that pain will come to my life again. It is my prayer and hope that I will never cease to remember that it for God's purpose, God's pleasure, and God's glory. That alone is the place where I know I can find true joy. That is the place where I want every moment of my life to be lived.

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